Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas is gone but the Assignments haven’t

As I write this, the snow has all but melted away, there are a couple of extra inches on the waistline and thoughts go towards the end of the holiday.  When I get around to it...

Assignment 4 Again

Enough of that! But just in case you are still struggling with Assignment 4, here are some suggestions that may help.

Possibly the most difficult part is finding a health improvement programme on which to base your assignment. You could look in at your local surgery, where there will be leaflets for all kinds of health issues. Your local chemist may have some. But the internet is helpful here. Try looking for anti-smoking campaigns – here is a helpful site - http://www.smokefreeaction.org.uk/archive/images/pdfs/GoingSmokefree.pdf
And because it is a pdf it can be downloaded and printed easily.
The NHS has loads of campaigns on its website. 
You could take “NHS weight loss” as a general health campaign for the purposes of the assignment, and flag up all the examples and references to the two models you need.

Is there a part of the programme where you have to decide whether or not you will carry on with your present behaviour even though it might be considered antisocial? e.g. smoking, unprotected sex, flu injections, child immunisation? If so, show how the theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behaviour are involved. Is there a part of the programme that tries to encourage you to continue, even though you may have tried before and failed? Could this be explained by perceived behavioural control?

Applying the Health Belief Model (HBM) to a health promotion programme is similar. Think in terms of perceived susceptibility and severity. Does the promotion play on how likely you might suffer if you continue your present behaviour? e.g. scare tactics for smoking (lung cancer photographs, heart disease statistics) or obesity. Perhaps it will ask “Do you smoke a lot? Are you coughing up green lumps every morning?” - the idea being that if you fit the profile, you had better do something about it, i.e. a cue to action. Is there a section that describes – directly or indirectly – the benefits of taking up the programme? Direct benefits may mean better health, longer life. Indirect benefits might mean better job or social prospects. Does the promotion suggest how you might overcome any barriers? A clinic that opens in the evenings and at weekends, for example. And if there are no suggestions as to how barriers might be overcome, you could perhaps suggest some. That could point to a higher assignment grade!

How successful is your chosen campaign? Any assessment or evaluation should surely contain some statistics or statement of success (or failure!). What can you find?
http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/loseweight/Pages/middleagespread.aspx is an example of a case study, which could be acceptable in the assignment.

Assignment 5 - That Essay Thingy

I've put together a powerpoint which may be helpful.  Link to here.  Depending upon your browser software, you may have to enable the active-X stuff.  Look for an annoying little yellow bar at the top of the screen when you try to play it.  You will need sound, as I have made a couple of Xtranormal videos as part of the powerpoint.  You must also play it in slideshow mode to catch the videos.

AND FINALLY ... if you're stuck, email me.

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